The Website CULTURAL PRODUCTION™ ( is edited and managed by M. Mickaël Couchot

22, rue du Fort

SIRET : 521 851 444 R.C.S. Belfort – France

Phone :  +33(0)
Mail : Contact Form

WEBSITE PUBLISHER : M. Mickaël Couchot

HOST : OVH SA, 2 rue Kellermann, BP 80157, 59053 ROUBAIX CEDEX 1 – FRANCE

IMPORTANT : The datas collected through the website are retained for exclusively use to CULTURAL PRODUCTION™. You can request that we delete your informations by simple mail. The contents text and images are the sole property of CULTURAL PRODUCTION™.

INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS : All elements (text, graphics, photos, images, videos, sounds,…) contained in the website are protected by national and international law of Intellectual Property. These elements remain the exclusive property of CULTURAL PRODUCTION™ and/or to right holders.  As such, unless prior written authorization from CULTURAL PRODUCTION™ or right holders, you cannot do any reproduction, adaptation, translation and/or partial/integral transformation of any element on the website.

The non-respect with this prohibition may constitute an act of infringement involving your civil judicial liability.
In accordance with the Code of Intellectual Property, the use of the website elements are only authorized for strictly personal purposes.

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The exploitation, partial or integral reproduction of all these elements remain subject to the prior acceptance of CULTURAL PRODUCTION™ and/or to right holders.

The manager of the website is M. Mickaël Couchot.

Under the french Code of Intellectual Property and more generally of international treaties and agreements including provisions relating to the protection of copyright, it is prohibited to reproduce, sell, distribute, transmit, broadcast, adapt, modify, publish in whole or in part in any form whatever the data, presentation or organiztion of the website without a prior written authorization.

COOKIES : This website uses cookies, which are files stored on your computer for easy access services offered. In neither case, the cookies of this site may not be used to collect personal data without your express consent. This information will not be shared outside CULTURAL PRODUCTION™ and will not be used as part of unsolicited communication campaigns.
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Record Label
Audio & Drone Services
Belfort – France

Contact by mail

Phone +336 46 00 29 68

Monday to friday | 10:00 am – 06:00 pm